Tuesday, May 19, 2009

16 May post by Katie P.

Now I love museums. Walking around them slowly, just reading and taking in all the displays is wonderful. I was expecting a typical museum experience when we went to the Viking Museum in York. My expectations were shattered though after we were put into a time machine and then loaded into a ride that was very much like the Peter Pan ride at Disneyland. Since then, my museum mood has switched off, and I keep hoping for more Disneyland-like rides.

Hence, Warwick Castle was just what I was hoping for. Lori and I were entertained by the English Long Bow Archer, who tried, unsuccessfully, to shoot a coke bottle swinging from a rope. “It’s a good thing England was never invaded by plastic bottles,” he told us.

There were other enjoyable sights, including a Birds of Prey Show (featuring eagles, buzzards, and vultures flying low over our heads), a display of high-class wax figures, and a dress-up station of antique hats.

Eventually, we all grew tired of the “magical kingdom” and headed off to shopping and laundry in Warwick. The greatest find, as far as I know, was a pair of zippers fashioned into earrings for only 95 pence.

We are all staying in the old Warwick hotel this weekend. It is very luxurious compared to the hostels. For the first time in a few weeks we are all adequately bathed and shaved. Much as I love the niceties, I am afraid the hotel might collapse. All the floors are slanted precariously…

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