Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fellowship and Folly (i.e. comments captured and preserved among our group)

...assembled by Annelise:

Most outrageous out of context

“It’s not MY fault I’m still a virgin” –Kylie (preserved by Katie A.)

“Brokeback Mountain made me nostalgic.” –John B. (preserved by Annelise, 5/6)

“How upset would you be if I peed right now?” –Julie (preserved by Lauren)

“Precious Moments”

Rachel: “Did you meet a blast-ended skrewt?”
Heather L.: “No, but I ran into Christian, which is almost as bad.” (preserved by Lauren, 5/19)

Bentley: “Are you ready to get mystical?”
Julie: “The answer to that question is always no.” (preserved by Kylie)

[While walking up to Ruskin’s grave] “Let’s dig ’im up!” –Sydney (preserved by Bess, 5/9)

“I want Kylie to be able to go home and tell her mother, ‘Mom, I have balls of steel.’”—John B. (preserved by Bess, 5/7)

“If anyone calls us on that picture we can just say, ‘They were all wearing pants.’ These vocabulary differences work to our advantage.” –Rick (preserved by Annelise, 5/2)

“Aw. It’s too bad Lord Voldemort isn’t with us.” –Kylie (preserved by Annelise, 5/2)

“So there we were, sitting with an openly gay German man wearing a transparent nightgown, talking about the Book of Mormon.” –Jon S. (preserved by Annelise, 5/3)

“I never trust a pig. Not even for a second.”
Later . . . “I misjudged the pig.” –John B. (preserved by Lauren, 5/13)

“Have you ever been in one of these before?” –Tiffany about a duvet cover (preserved by Lauren, 5/16)

sung in faux-blues voices
Chris B.: “We’ve been singing the same note for 3 hours and Jon still can’t hit it. He’s singing the can’t-sing-the-blues-blues.”
Marshall: “I think it’s an A.”
Chris B.: “Probably not.”

also sung in faux-blues voices
Bentley: “My friend’s hamster died of scurvy. Which is kind of sad, because that’s my favorite disease.”
Marshall: “You have no compassion for people with scurvy.”
Chris B.: “Or hamsters.”
Whitney: “Or pirates.”
Bentley: “My friend and I were pirates recently. We made a raft out of our neighbor’s house that was being built. And rafted on a man-made lake. And we brought strawberry rhubarb pie so we wouldn’t get scurvy.”
Chris B.: “Don’t you mean hungry?”
Bentley: “Mostly scurvy.” –(preserved by Lauren, 5/12)

Profound Observations

“It was . . . I don’t know, I think it was written.” –Roxanne (preserved by Tiffany)

“This mountain looks like cookies dipped in milk . . . only it’s rocks dipped in a mountain.” –Heather L. (preserved by Tiffany, 5/7)

Lauren: “I’m glad I’m a girl.”
Sammy: “Yeah, because what do you do if you’re lonely and a boy?”
Whitney: “Go play in the dirt.”

Sammy: “I showered.”
Whitney: “Me too. That’s why I feel okay laying in your bed.”
Sammy: “Together. So we don’t have to play in the dirt.” (preserved by Lauren)

“Most of the time scandalous has to do with being naked and stuff like that” –Matt (preserved by Annelise, 5/6)

Hard learned truths

“The moors are the liminal space between earth and Hell” –Bentley (preserved by Annelise, 5/13)

“I just need to apologize for John in advance” –Karla (preserved by Annelise, 4/30)

“Oh look, there’s poop; it must be a British road.” –Kylie (preserved by Tiffany, 5/13)

“You all have ovaries of titanium.” –John B. (preserved by Kylie, 5/7)

Character Revelations

“The funny thing is I don’t usually call myself a beast” –Christian (preserved by Annelise, 5/1)

“I have never been more tempted in my life to just steal something and mail it back to them later” –Heather W. (preserved by Janet, 5/16)

“Because my ipod only holds 80 gigs, I don’t have room for happy songs” –Jon S. (preserved by Kylie)

“I’d leave the church and become a pagan if I saw a glowing light.” –Marshall (preserved by Bess, 5/6)

“So, I was looking at those cows . . . and I thought, that’s kind of what I feel like on this trip: I wander around and I eat—all the time.” –Bess (preserved by Tiffany, 5/12)

“I think better with my pants off.” –Heather L. (source unknown, 5/8)

“I’ve had ticks on me my whole life.” –John B. (preserved by Annelise, 5/4)

“I never get quoted. I think people are forming a quoting clique.” –Lori (preserved by Lauren)

Ah, the people we meet in our travels . . .

“Considering the complexities of Tibetan Buddhist iconography in the context of ever-increasing interest by Westerners in Tibetan Buddhism, had his Holiness had any thoughts on what a modern Buddhist art would look like?” –John Dugger, artist in residence at Brantwood (P.S. His Holiness answered, “No.”, preserved by Bess, 5/9)

“That was a good slam. I love every move you make.” –Scottish man to Emma (preserved by Tiffany, 5/5)

“You want to come in, don’t you?” –Thomas the gay German to Jon S. (preserved by Annelise, related 5/3)

“You can run from me, but you can never run from yourself.” –Bulgarian girl to Matt’s mission companion (preserved by Annelise, related 5/3)

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